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Waychoff Senior center

Kim Speratos, Coordinator



320 Trailwood Drive

PO Box 831

Heber Springs, AR 72543


Phone: (501) 362-2413





Monday- Thursday

8:00am to 4:00pm 


8:00am to 2:00pm 


Our Mission: Our mission is to provide services and programs for older adults of Cleburne County, that promotes their well-being, supports their independence and encourages their involvement in a active life style.

Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meals

Home delivered meals are provided to the home-bound senior adults who are unable to obtain or prepare meals due to disability or age. The meals are delivered hot where possible.

Meals are planned by a registered dietitian to meet one-third of the recommended daily allowance for senior adults. 

Information & Referrals

The Senior Center serves as a resource for senior adult to find services in the community to meet their needs. If our agency cannot provide the service you need, we will try to locate help for you.



There are no fees charged for services. However, contributions are encouraged and accepted. Client contributions are an important part of our funding. Without contributions, the number of people served would be very limited.



Volunteers are an important part of our services. Volunteers deliver meals and provide education and/or entertaining programs. To be a part of these services to our seniors, please come in or call the Heber Springs Center at 501-362-2413.


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